Schooling Assistance Scheme To Ease Asnaf Burden
Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Custom help asnaf families in ensuring their children to get proper education
We hope that this aid will help the children to get a chance to study in turn change the fate of their family someday.
Aid in the form of cash for the family to help them to purchase school supplies, reference books and so on according to their individual needs.
Applications can be made by completing a form available at the nearby MAIPk Administration Office and submit for processing.
Application date opening will be announced later.
We hope that this aid will help the children to get a chance to study in turn change the fate of their family someday.
Aid in the form of cash for the family to help them to purchase school supplies, reference books and so on according to their individual needs.
Applications can be made by completing a form available at the nearby MAIPk Administration Office and submit for processing.
Application date opening will be announced later.