MAIPK Excellent Service Award Ceremony
Ipoh May 4, 2016 (Wednesday) - Perak Islamic Religious Council & Malay Customs (MAIPk) organized the Excellent Service Award (APC) assessment for the year 2015 at Dewan Al-Ghazali, 2nd Floor Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan. APC Council is held to honor the outstanding service provided by MAIPk staff in carrying out their duties responsibly.
The ceremony began with the singing of the national anthem, prayer and a welcoming speech by the Chief Executive MAIPk Officer, Dr. Amiruddin Bin Muhamed. The ceremony continued with a speech by the President of MAIPk Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid bin Mohd Noordin. Among the contents of his speech the President MAIPk emphasize two important points, namely the appreciation and leadership need to be applied in the work culture of MAIPk. He is also touched on the importance of the efforts of all MAIPk staff from the ground up to the top.
During this event, a total of 24 people received the Distinguished Service Award, 21 people received the Meritorious Service Award, two staff who had long served MAIPk, receive Hajj Prize and four staff of MAIPk Award for Enterprise. APC Council was delivered by the MAIPk President Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid bin Mohd Noordin and MAIPk Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Amiruddin Bin Muhamed. Congratulations to all recipients of the Distinguished Service Award (APC) for the year 2015.