MAIPk Implementation Committee Strategic Plan Meeting 2016 -2021
Ipoh May 5 (Thursday) - Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Custom (MAIPk) held a meeting of the Implementation Committee Strategic Plan 2016-2021 MAIPk Num. 01/2016 located at 5th Floor, Kompleks Islam, Darul Ridzuan. MAIPk President Tan Sri Dato' Dr. Wan Mohd Zahid Mohd Noordin was the chairman of this committee meeting. The meeting is to discuss and refine the blueprint that has been generated. During the meeting, the chairman touch some of the main focus blueprint talk about some of them on the Mandate and Aspirations, 4 Sector Strategic, Strategic Dimensions 10 and 46 Strategic Action.
In addition, the message of Islam is to be the main thrust in all the coverage of the MAIPk strategic plan where the message of Islam is everything in order to implement this strategic plan. Hopefully MAIPk strategic plan can achieve the goal within six years from 2016 until 2021. Also present, MAIPk Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Amiruddin Bin Muhamed and members of the meeting.

In addition, the message of Islam is to be the main thrust in all the coverage of the MAIPk strategic plan where the message of Islam is everything in order to implement this strategic plan. Hopefully MAIPk strategic plan can achieve the goal within six years from 2016 until 2021. Also present, MAIPk Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Amiruddin Bin Muhamed and members of the meeting.