MAIPk Organizes Amil Workshop
IPOH May 17, 2016 Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Custom (MAIPk) has organized a workshop at Dewan Amil Al-Ghazali, Kompleks Islam Darul Ridzuan. The workshop was attended by 120 participants from all over the state. Amil workshop was officiated by Chief Executive Officer Dr. MAIPk Amiruddin bin Muhamed Amil officiated the workshop and in his speech he expects amil zakat to assist in the collection of zakat can be implemented better and it will help more needy group.
At the workshop there are two sessions, the first on briefings Count Business Zakat and Nisab During delivered by Ustaz Mohd Latiff bin Talib, Manager Da'wah Unit Operations MAIPk and the second session was briefed on the Waqf Waqf Perak Ar-Ridzuan (WPAR) submitted by Ustaz Mohammed bin Mohamad Tasyreef Tirmizi, Assistant Manager MAIPk Ummah Development Unit.
Amil workshop is staffed by Ariffullah Bin Mohd Mashudi Assistant Marketing Manager (Da'wah Unit and Amil) MAIPk and Mr. Muhammad Fauzan bin Abdul Rahim, Assistant Marketing Manager MAIPk.

At the workshop there are two sessions, the first on briefings Count Business Zakat and Nisab During delivered by Ustaz Mohd Latiff bin Talib, Manager Da'wah Unit Operations MAIPk and the second session was briefed on the Waqf Waqf Perak Ar-Ridzuan (WPAR) submitted by Ustaz Mohammed bin Mohamad Tasyreef Tirmizi, Assistant Manager MAIPk Ummah Development Unit.
Amil workshop is staffed by Ariffullah Bin Mohd Mashudi Assistant Marketing Manager (Da'wah Unit and Amil) MAIPk and Mr. Muhammad Fauzan bin Abdul Rahim, Assistant Marketing Manager MAIPk.