DERMAGA And Tunas DERMAGA of 2017 Launching Ceremony
IPOH, 17 April 2017 - Perak Islamic Religious Council & Malay Customs (MAIPk) in collaboration with the Perak State Education Department and the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM) held a launching dock and "dermaga" for 2017 in SMK Tunas Jelapang Jaya. The ceremony was officiated by the Chief Executive Officer MAIPk, Dr. Amiruddin Muhamed. DERMAGA Program was started in 2016 with the implementation of this program was a consequence of the spread of current issues related to social problems among children and adolescents.
The beginning of the program was carried out in 20 selected secondary schools in Perak and involving 3,629 students with financing costs of RM 200,000. These students will be implemented with modules "Diriku Permata Berharga, Saya Sayang Diri Saya dan La Taqrab az-Zina."
This program aims to provide space for the group concerned by empowering the role of information through workshops and awareness of the importance of reproductive health education among adolescents. In addition, it is also to disseminate knowledge and expertise in reproductive health education, social and youth to those involved in the development of adolescents and parents in the community to raise awareness in addressing social issues, particularly involving sexuality among adolescents.
In addition, the program is implemented to create a group in the community that acts as a support group in ensuring that issues related to the reproductive community are identified, assayed and dealt with proactively.
For the year 2017, MAIPk expecting about 4,800 students, involving 20 primary schools (100 students in each school) and this is the first program for elementary school students and 28 secondary schools (100 students in each school) at a cost of RM 304,000.00 ,
 (Source: FB Zakat Perak-MAIPk)