Preparation Class for Imtihan Qabul
Perak Islamic Religious Council & Malay Customs (MAIPk) has provided a platform supplies to sponsored students under the MAIPk Overseas Scholarship Scheme by providing Arabic language courses to prepare students before Imtihan Qabul.
Discussions with the MAIPk Middle East Attache have considered the language courses held in Egypt. MAIPk has appointed Aleem Center For Learning Arabic Language Courses to handle it and conducted at the Center for Arabic Studies under AlZayyat Sheikh Al-Azhar University.
Hopefully the students can gain knowledge as good as possible and eventually pass Imtihan Qabul well worth entering their first year of study.
(Source: FB Zakat Perak-MAIPk)

Discussions with the MAIPk Middle East Attache have considered the language courses held in Egypt. MAIPk has appointed Aleem Center For Learning Arabic Language Courses to handle it and conducted at the Center for Arabic Studies under AlZayyat Sheikh Al-Azhar University.
Hopefully the students can gain knowledge as good as possible and eventually pass Imtihan Qabul well worth entering their first year of study.
(Source: FB Zakat Perak-MAIPk)