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Schooling Assistance Scheme To Ease Asnaf Burden

Perak Islamic Religious Council and Malay Custom help asnaf families in ensuring their children to get proper education

We hope that this aid will help the children to get a chance to study in turn change the fate of their family someday.

Aid in the form of cash for the family to help them to purchase school supplies, reference books and so on according to their individual needs.

Applications can be made by completing a form available at the nearby MAIPk Administration Office and submit for processing.

Application date opening will be announced later.

Fidyah Management

1. History

Ibnu Saad in his Thabaqat, from Mujahid, said, "This verse was revealed concerning the employer of Qais bin Saib (already aged person), 'And for people who having difficulty, must pay a fidyah which is feeding the poor' (Q.S Al Baqarah 184). Then he did not fast and feed a poor person each Ramadan day he did not fast."

As for the hadith that explains about the fidyah has been narrated by Salamah bin Akwa'Ra, which is:

Narrated by Salamah bin Akwa R.A, he said, when the verse revealed:

"and as for those who are powerless to do (fasting) to pay a fidyah (give) feed the poor".

cause there is someone who wants to break the fast (not fasting) and pay a fidyah until revealed the next verse which obliges (HR Jama'ah except ahmad )'

The above hadith explains about the compulsary of fasting to people who can afford to do it. During the revelation of the verse, said" yuthi qunahu = able to do," apply a different understanding, until there are people who are able to fast, but want to pay a fidyah instead of fasting. But then reveal the next verse:

"Whoever among you met with Ramadan, he should fast during the month".

With the Hadith and verses as this explanatory, hence more clear and decisive, that allowed pay a fidyah is a person who is no longer able to perform fasting. As for who is capable, he should fast. This is confirmed by the following hadith:-

" And from Abdul Rahman bin Abi Laila, from Mu'adz bin Jabal (narrated) like the hadith Salamah, but there is a kalimah like the following: then Allah reveal a verse " whoever among you who saw that month, he must fast".
then Allah command fasting for muqmin healthy and provide drought (rukhshah) to the sick and the traveler also pay fidyah for people who are elderly - not strong to fast (HR Ahmad dan Abu Daud).

2. Fidyah Concept

1. Compulsary to Qada (Fasting) only :-

    a) Those who travel;
    b) Pain detrimental;
    c) Women who are menstruating, wiladah (bersalin) or nifas;
    d) Pregnant women who fear for her health.

2.  Compulsary to Qada and Pay Fidyah only :-

     a) Pregnant women who fear for their health and the baby in the womb;
     b) Women who are breastfeeding and worried about their health and their children;
     c) A pregnant woman worried about her health only;
     d) Late qada fasting until the next Ramadan.

3.  Compulsary to Fidyah only:-

    a) Seriously ill with no hope of recovery;
    b) Elderly people who unable to fast;
    c) People who work hard all year;
    d) Heirs of a deceased person who has not had time to qada fasting.

3.  Fidyah Assessment

MAIPK can accept fidyah payment from individuals over the collection counter. Administrative procedures fidyah at MAIPk is as follows:-

1.  Calculation Method

Fidyah calculated based on the number of days multiplied by one cup of rice and multiplied by the year multiplies

Example: Number of days x 1 Cup of Rice x Year Multiples

i.  Fidyah Without Multiples

Fidyah paid during the year. For example, the frail elderly and unable to fast for a month during the year and pay a fasting fidyah during that year or before the next Ramadan arrives, then no multiples in Fidyah.

ii.  Fidyah With Multiples

Fidyah paid but beyond the month of Ramadan for the following year. For example, the frail elderly and not able to fast for a month in the following year and not qada the fast and do not pay a fidyah until arrival of Ramadan for the year, it is necessary to pay fidyah 2 times.( 30 days x 700 g x 2 )

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